четверг, 27 февраля 2020 г.


Ultimately a fast song "Kanasina Marata" sung by Gurukiran is the optimistic song for the youth, who wish to achieve some thing in their life. The soundtrack album of Banna Bannada Loka , consisting of six songs and one theme music, was released on 22 June in Bangalore. Kannada-language films films s Kannada-language films Indian films. Archived from the original on 9 June The distribution rights , plus views in a single day in YouTube creating a new record for Kannada films. The teaser of the song "Google Google" was released on YouTube on 22 June receiving very strong and positive response from viewers. haihoi kannada

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The soundtrack album of Banna Bannada Lokaconsisting of six songs and one theme music, was released on 22 June in Bangalore. Ultimately a fast song "Kanasina Marata" sung by Gurukiran is the optimistic song for the youth, who wish to achieve some thing in their life.

It recorded the highest-ever hits for a Kannada movie. Retrieved from " https: Sify movies, msn entertainment and ibn live gave the album a positive verdict stating that "Overall, it is a classy and refreshing album.

Few controversies happened to be about this film, since the content of the naihoi story is about the film making people.

It has also to be noted that the teaser was trending on social networking sites like Twitter. The film is produced by Krishnappa and features background score and soundtrack composed by Thomas Rathnam [7] with cinematography handled by Chandra Sekar. The soundtrack album consists of seven tracks.


Thomas Rathnam composed the soundtrack, teaming up with Ram Prasad for the first time. Views Read Edit View history. Archived from the original on 2 February The story of the film revolves around [6] a youngster from a Manglaore-based Kannada family.

haihoi kannada

The distribution rightsplus views in a single day in YouTube creating a new record for Kannada kanjada. The teaser of the song "Google Google" was released on YouTube on 22 June receiving very strong and positive response from viewers.

The decisions he takes after that is the rest of the story.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Great Entertainers and Krishnappa [11]. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Balasubrahmanyam sang one song, which is the greatest lifetime hit.

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Banna Bannada Loka [1] [2] [3] Glittering world [4] is a Kannada romance film written and directed by Ram Prasad. The first teaser was released on 24 Junea day before the audio launch of the film and the teaser hahioi 1, plus views within a few days on YouTube.

While it became a buzz word in Bangalore on Twitter by The album received positive critical and public reviews.

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This page was last edited on 28 Septemberat Archived from the original on 9 June The happy-go-lucky man's life undergoes a sudden turn. Banna Bannada Loka Vijay PrakashChaitra H. Archived from hwihoi original on 1 February Kannada-language films films s Kannada-language films Indian films.

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