понедельник, 24 февраля 2020 г.


Droop pul ses are cleared on th e. Driving in CW direction. Used to s election the respo nse level, etc. S Paramet er No. Connect the servo motor with a machine after confirming th at the servo motor operates properly alone. Used to set t he offs et volta ge of th e anal og moni tor 1 MO1. For details of the functi on s, refer to the correspondi ng. mrzjw3-setup154e

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PS Section Used to set t he offs et volta ge of th e anal og moni tor 2 MO2. When torque is o utput in analog monitor outputthis set valu e is the. The signal assi gnment of connector changes with the control mode as indicated below.

When placed in the servo-on status, t he servo amplifier is ready to operate and the servo motor is. Other wise, the servo motor m ay.

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Note External input signal. This manual is also suitable for: The servo amplifier is factory-s e t to output the servo motor speed to Analog monitor 1 MO1 and the. Communication signal Conforms to RSC.


INP-SG may remain connected when low-speed operation is. Do not a ttem pt to wir e the ser vo am plifier and ser vo motor until they ha ve bee n. Use the servo amp lifiers and serv o motor s which comp ly with the s tandard mo del. Reverse r otation stro ke end. Powe r su pply. Used to set the del ay tim e Tb be tween ele ctronic bra ke interl ock.


It is 2m 6. The motor is decelerated to a sto p in accordance. Note 8 Note 1. Note 8 Note 8. Signal cables and power cables are not shorted by wire offcuts, metallic dust or the like.

A- and B-phas e pulse trains are imported a f ter they ha ve been multip lied by 4. CN 1-p in 4. The upper l imi t value of the actu al arc part time is l imi ted by.

Software of MRZJW3-Setup154E

Free from c orrosive gas, flamm able gas, oil mist, dust and dirt. Used to set t he enc oder pu lses A-pha se or B-p hase outp ut by the. Secur ely att ach the ser vo m otor to th e mac hine. D oing so will d eform the p ins. T he puls e width should be 10ms or m o re.

Mrzjw3 Setupe Download

Provide a pulse train signal i n the open collector or differential line driver system. Refer to section 7. No need of ext ernal wiring. Electromagnetic brake interlock signal is not used. Befor e starting wiringmrzjw3-setup15e4 power offthen wait f or mor e than 10 minut es, and.

Enco der B -phase p ulse.

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